Our Pillars
This space is our virtual temple, built on the 6 pillars of Reverence, Integrity, Transformation, Unity, Authenticity Beauty, Leadership & Service. Our hope is that the learning and experience cultivated here in the virtual world will inspire transformation in our hearts, minds, bodies, & Spirits and thus support each and every one of us in our path of Service to the greater good. When we tend and care for ourselves & each other, we thus tend and make the Beauty we wish to see in the World.
In reverence for the preciousness of Life and the essence, the life-force that moves through everything. In reverence for the lineages and cultures that have passed down these ritual technologies to us. In reverence for the Earth and all her living beings.
We seek to be in Right Relationship with the Earth, with one another, and with the communities who have stewarded many of these ritual technologies for millennia. One way that we do that is by donating a portion of our membership fees to One Tree Planted.
We believe that all humans contain the capacity for transformation, and it is our mission to offer tools to help evolve the collective consciousness and equip the benevolent leaders of the future.
We are all unique and individual parts of the Whole. Through bringing our diverse perspectives and experiences to the network we open the doors to various ways of learning that thus expands a deeper understanding of the Whole. In this way we tap into a unified field of awareness that brings us closer together in respect to where we each come from.
Authentic Beauty
Authenticity is at the heart of Ritual Community. Coming from a real honest place within & being with where we truly are in our journey of growth and becoming is core to evolution. This quality is in and of itself a revolutionary act as we are taught to strive to be something other than who we are. Here in Ritual Community, we celebrate authenticity & vulnerability to bring forward true genuineness in every practice, every conversation, every act, and every offering. With this as a core value, the doors of perception will continue to open and thus the ever blossoming the beauty of consciousness.
Leadership & Service
We all chose to be born at this time for a reason. And each and every one of us has a role, a service to offer during this time of the Great Turning. When we expand our awareness into the remembrance that every thought, word, and deed has a rippling effect, we thus take more responsibility in how to direct our Life and Life-force. We put our lives in service to the liberation of all beings human and non-human. This becomes our focus & direction in everything we think and do. A life of service is a life of offering that nourishes the great web of reciprocity.