Check in with yourself

We live in a world that constantly invites us to fill - fill our time, our heads, our calendars, and even our space. But that leaves no room for us to just be, to receive and to allow space to create.

It’s all too easy to become caught up in the busyness of daily life. We often find ourselves juggling multiple responsibilities and commitments, leaving little time for self-reflection and personal growth. However, setting aside time to check in with ourselves and review the areas of our lives that may need more attention is crucial for our overall well-being. It serves as a compass, guiding us towards a more fulfilling and balanced life.

Benefits of regular check in’s:

  • Increased self-awareness, gaining valuable insights into our thoughts, emotions, behaviours to helps us recognise and honour our own needs.

  • Inspires the prioritisation of self-care, setting boundaries, and making choices that align with our personal values and desires.

  • Fosters personal growth and development. It provides an opportunity for goal setting, as we can identify areas where we want to grow or improve.

  • Increased contentment, improved mental and emotional well-being, and a more meaningful and purposeful life.

    Within Imaginal we have 6 aspects of life that we tune into to explore ourselves and the world around us. 

Journaling is a simple practice to check in with yourself and the areas of your life. Within Imaginal, we have 6 areas of life that we tune into to explore ourselves and the world around us.

Find your journal and reflect on each part of your life:

  1. Space: 

    • How much space do you currently have in the day to tune into yourself? 

    • What practices allow you to feel spacious, still and regulated?

  2. Physical

    • How does your body feel right now? Do you notice any physical sensations or discomfort?

    • How do you rate the following aspects of your life from 1-10, 10 being amazing:

      1. Energy level

      2. Sleep

      3. Hydration

      4. Breath awareness

      5. Eating habits

      6. Movement (10: Move well every day, 1: Never exercise)

      7. Stress Management (10: Never stressed, 1: Always stressed)

      8. Immune system (10: Never unwell, 1: Always unwell)

  3. Mental

    • Do you have a clear ability to track how your thoughts and nervous system relate to each other? If so, how do you notice this?

    • What tools, spaces or practices do you engage in to help you make sense of thoughts and emotions that come up?

  4. Emotional

    • Do you give yourself permission to express how you feel within yourself and with others?

    • When a difficult emotion arises, how often would you pause for a moment before responding rather than react to the situation? 

  5. Spiritual 

    • How connected do you feel to what’s around you? 

    • What would you like to bring forward and creatively express in this next phase of your life?

  6. Service 

    • What would you say is your personal vision statement and offering to the web of life?

    • Are you sustainably being of service or are you burning yourself out?

Once you have taken time to answer these questions, identify an area of your life that needs most attention. What steps can you take to feel more balance in that area? We have on-demand workshops for every aspect of your life waiting to be discovered in our Library - Start exploring.

This journalling exercise can be done on a monthly, quarterly or yearly basis to see what has shifted. We also invite you to create a ritual of checking in daily and ask yourself - What do you notice just here and now? What might you need today?

View our library of over 250 hours of on-demand content within our membership portal.